Interkulturelle Trainings & Seminare

Seminare, Kurse und Workshops aus dem Bereich Interkulturelle Kompetenzen

Keep your vision – reach your goal.
Dialogue and democracy in civil society

  • Termin: 02.12.2012 – 11.12.2012
  • Dozenten: Trainerin & Trainer: Judith Hartmann, Bashar Al-Khatib | Päd. Mitarbeiter: Martin Kaiser
  • In Kooperation mit: Verein zur Förderung des politischen Handelns e.V., St. Mena Forum for Peace & Development, Beni Suef, Ägypten, Debate Foundation, Amman, Jordanien
  • Gefördert durch: Auswärtiges Amt
  • Bildungsurlaub: Bildungsurlaub mgl. (unter Vorbehalt) 1
  • Beitrag: 90 – 150 €

The Idea

Democracy needs democrats; civil society needs active citizens; dialogue needs speakers with a profile. Creating those people all in one is the aim of this project. But what do we mean when speaking of a lively democracy, of a functioning civil society and of constructive dialogue? What are the cultural, political and historic implications of those concepts? How can we apply them to the specific conditions of the participating countries, to the cultural and societal contexts, to the qualities of human beings, who make them come alive through their engagement? With this project we will use the protected atmosphere of a training program to find answers to those questions; to strengthen the competencies of the participants; to develop strategies for continuing activities back home.  „Do not worry where the next step may take you“, says former UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld. „Only those who look far ahead will reach their goals.“ We will do both in this project: We will carefully check our next steps and at the same time we will keep our vision and our goals in mind: „Keep your vision – reach your goal“.

Tropics of the seminar program

Since the program design will be coordinated with the participating institutions, this outline only gives some key words and general ideas. They were the basis for the application; suggestions for further input and changes by the cooperation partners and participants are most welcome.

Part 1 in Bad Bevensen

Politics influencing biographies: participants share their personal experiences and involvement in civil society

How we became who we are: patterns of democracy and sources of identity

How people made the world they sought: the stories of democratic changes from each country (participants prepare presentations with documentary photos and personal stories)

Places of civic engagement: visit to institutions of civil society in the city of Hannover (talk with experts and activists)

The concept of human rights: background and context; concepts of human rights education;

Leaving the shadows of the past: scenes and experiences of democratic involvement   (an active experience through statue theatre)

Part 2 in Berlin

Empowerment and integration: intercultural dialogue and grassroots democracy in the city district of Neukölln (visit to an intercultural youth project)

Politics and dialogue: talk with the representative for intercultural dialogue of the Federal Government (to be confirmed)

„Inherit the truth“: coming to terms with the past and opening perspectives for the future (project day in a Museum and/or memorial on German history)

Part 3 in Bad Bevensen

„To live is to choose“: developing follow-up projects for the future; presentation and reflection using the SWOT method

„I have a dream“: personal steps toward active citizenship; reflection on individual learning progress

Cooperation partners and sponsors

Germany: Gustav Stresemann Institute, Bad Bevensen is an independent and impartial organization of civic education and intercultural training. Education for democratic citizenship, training programs in dialogue and tolerance and motivation for civic engagement are essential parts of its projects. Located in Northern Germany – Berlin and Hamburg within reach – GSI cooperates with local, national and international networks.

Egypt: St. Mena Forum for Peace and Development is a center of the Coptic Church located in the diocese of Beni Suef. It engages in peace building programs, leadership training for youth workers, counseling seminars and exchange programs designed for confidence building measures of different local groups.

Jordan: the Debate Foundation in Amman was established by young people who participated in the project „Empowering Youth Employees and Activists of Jordanian NGOs“. The foundation works on spreading the culture of dialogue and debate in the community, enhancing the acceptance of other’s opinions, and generalizing positive examples, in addition to training in soft skills.

Germany: The Federal Foreign Office established a specific program supporting youth exchange with the countries of Arab Spring. This program is part of its general approach in developing intercultural dialogue. In addition, it fosters projects on European-Islamic dialogue. Back in 2002 Germany was the first Western country to make this field a political focus.

Germany: The Association for the Advancement of Political Action is a non-partisan, non-profit, non-governmental institution and offers seminars and trainings in civic education for young people. It is convinced that the most effective way to encourage young people to take up their social and political responsibility is to be a kind of role model. Its courses are held by volunteers – mainly students and young professionals.

    Judith Judith Hartmann

    Judith Hartmann

    -, München. -

    Bashar Bashar Al-Khatib

    Bashar Al-Khatib

    intercultural trainer, Amman. -

    Martin Martin Kaiser

    Martin Kaiser

    Institutsleiter, Bad Bevensen. Martin Kaiser studierte Politikwissenschaft, Germanistik und Pädagogik in Bonn und in den USA (University of Kansas). Bereits als Schüler und Student sammelte er Erfahrungen im internationalen Jugendaustausch und in der deutsch-deutschen Begegnungsarbeit. Die Schwerpunkte seiner beruflichen Tätigkeit liegen in interkulturellen Trainings (Dialogarbeit mit Partnerorganisationen in Ost- und Westeuropa, Nahem Osten, USA), in der vergleichenden Geschichtsbetrachtung (Vergleich von „historic narratives“, Vergangenheitsbearbeitung), in der Demokratiebildung („education for democratic citizenship“) und im interreligiösen Dialog. Seit 2007 ist er Mitglied am Runden Tisch der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung sowie im Vorstand des Arbeitskreises deutscher Bildungsstätten (AdB). Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen erschienen u.a. im Wochenschau-Verlag und im Wissenschaftlichen Verlag Trier. Im Juni 2012 übernahm er die Leitung des Gustav Stresemann Instituts.

Beitrag: Zimmer Kosten *)
Beitrag DZ/VP 150 €
Beitrag ermäßigt DZ/VP 90 €

*) Alle Preisangaben inkl. MwSt.

Alle Beiträge beziehen sich auf Programm, Vollverpflegung – natürlich auch vegetarisch – und Unterbringung pro Person in der angegebenen Zimmerart mit Dusche/WC. Ausdrücklich angegebene Beiträge mit Unterbringung im Einzelzimmer (EZ/VP) enthalten bereits den jeweils gültigen Einzelzimmerzuschlag. Teilnehmende aus der Region, die nicht im Hause übernachten: Bitte Re­duk­tion er­fragen.

1 Teilnehmende, die ihren Anspruch auf Bildungsurlaub wahrnehmen möchten, mögen bitte folgendes beachten: Die Bildungsurlaubs-Gesetzgebung ist in den Bundesländern sehr unterschiedlich. Leider können wir keine Gewähr dafür übernehmen, dass der beantragte BU jeweils von den Ländern genehmigt wird. Wenn Sie Bildungsurlaub in Anspruch nehmen möchten, denken Sie daran, diesen mindestens 6 Wochen vor Beginn bei Ihrem Arbeitgeber zu beantragen! Informieren Sie sich rechtzeitig bei uns: Tel. 05821 955-152 (Frau Graf)


Fragen zum Seminar

Bei inhaltlichen Fragen beraten wir Sie gern:

Martin Kaiser

Politische Bildung & Diversity Trainings
+49 (0)5821 955-111


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Gustav Stresemann Institut in Niedersachsen e.V. // Europäisches Bildungs- und Tagungshaus Bad Bevensen

Klosterweg 4 . 29549 Bad Bevensen
Telefon: (0 58 21) 9 55-0

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