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International and bi-national seminars

International and bi-national events, seminars and workshopsof the Gustav Stresemann Institute in Niedersachsen e. V.

Call it freedom.
The freedom from & the freedom to … (in European and Arab societies) Train-the-trainers program for activists of civil society

  • Date: 26.11.2021 – 04.12.2021
  • Lecturers:
  • Cooperation with: Club Culturel Ali Belhouane, Tunis, Tunesien, St. Mena Forum for Peace & Development, Beni Suef, Ägypten, Debate Foundation, Amman, Jordanien, Internationale Jugendbegegnungsstätte Krzyzowa / Kreisau, Student Representation, Vilnius, Litauen
  • Funded by: EU Programm Erasmus+, Auswärtiges Amt

We all yearn for freedom, no matter where we live. Only how can we free ourselves from authoritarian structures? And where are the limits of our freedom, especially under conditions such as the Covid-19 crisis? How can we preserve freedom and human rights in times of severe frictions in our societies? How can we counter political and religious extremism? How can we strengthen civil society? Young activists of civil society (from Germany, Poland, and Lithuania, from Egypt, Tunisia, and Jordan) will share their experiences and find answers to those questions. We will do so in four steps:

1, Freedom and democracy: Which paths to freedom & democracy did we take in each country? Which choices did we make, which impact had the Corona crisis & where are we at now? 

2. The limits of freedom: What are the limits of freedom and the challenges calling for change? How can we counter religious and political extremism?

3. Freedom and diversity: How do we handle diversity in our societies? How can we develop a true dialogue? We will visit NGOs, share best practices, and use approaches on diversity as an indicator of freedom and democracy 

4. Freedom and Coherence: How can we establish structures that keep society together? How can we strengthen freedom and democracy in follow-up activities back home?

    Inga Inga Balzekaite-Sauliene

    Inga Balzekaite-Sauliene

    intercultural trainer, Vilnius. .

    Nourjahen Nourjahen Jamaa

    Nourjahen Jamaa

    , Tunis. ...

    Martin Martin Kaiser

    Martin Kaiser

    Institutsleiter, Bad Bevensen. Martin Kaiser studierte Politikwissenschaft, Germanistik und Pädagogik in Bonn und in den USA (University of Kansas). Bereits als Schüler und Student sammelte er Erfahrungen im internationalen Jugendaustausch und in der deutsch-deutschen Begegnungsarbeit. Die Schwerpunkte seiner beruflichen Tätigkeit liegen in interkulturellen Trainings (Dialogarbeit mit Partnerorganisationen in Ost- und Westeuropa, Nahem Osten, USA), in der vergleichenden Geschichtsbetrachtung (Vergleich von „historic narratives“, Vergangenheitsbearbeitung), in der Demokratiebildung („education for democratic citizenship“) und im interreligiösen Dialog. Seit 2007 ist er Mitglied am Runden Tisch der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung sowie im Vorstand des Arbeitskreises deutscher Bildungsstätten (AdB). Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen erschienen u.a. im Wochenschau-Verlag und im Wissenschaftlichen Verlag Trier. Im Juni 2012 übernahm er die Leitung des Gustav Stresemann Instituts.

Fee: Room Costs *)
Beitrag DZ/VP 100 €

*) All prices include German VAT.

All fees refer to program, full board - of course also vegetarian - and accommodation per person in the specified room type with shower / WC. Expressly stated contributions with accommodation in a single room (SR / FB) already include the valid single room supplement. Participants from the region who are not staying in the house: please ask for reduction.


You have a question?

You have a question? Please feel free to contact us.

Martin Kaiser

Politische Bildung & Diversity Trainings
+49 (0)5821 955-111


Gustav Stresemann Institute in Niedersachsen e.V. // The European Educational and Conference Centre, Bad Bevensen

Klosterweg 4
29549 Bad Bevensen
Telephone: +49 (0) 5821-955 0
E-Mail: info@gsi-bevensen.de

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